12/10/2013 03:26:56 am

I think that a possible claim could be that 'children go crazy if they don't get enough discipline'. I think this because, in the book Tom's aunt isn't super strict with him, therefore he goes crazy and does whatever he wants most of the time.

12/14/2013 04:06:25 am

I agree with your claim, Natalie because many children, like Tom, don't listen to adults and when they don't listen, they can get into a lot of trouble.

12/16/2013 03:04:38 am

That's a really good claim Natalie, I never thought about that kind of possible claim before. :)

12/16/2013 03:11:08 am

I agree with you Alex. I used to think that discipline was bad and you should be really kind and nurturing to your child. If they are naughty you should reason with them, but now I think that discipline is ok, and in this case, it is needed. Discipline is what keeps the child from not being as naughty. You should still be nice to your child, but you may have to teach them a lesson.

12/16/2013 03:12:56 am

I agree with you Natalie. My claim was that Humans need discipline to develop. Because through the book tom's aunt gives him some discipline and he does learn from it. But on the other hand Huck Finn has no discipline and he is a troubled young child.

12/16/2013 03:21:45 am

I agree with Natalie because I think with out discipline we would go crazy. In the beginning of the book Tom had almost no discipline, so he thought it was alright to miss behave, but as he received some discipline, he became more behaved.

12/16/2013 03:22:09 am

I agree with Natalie because I think with out discipline we would go crazy. In the beginning of the book Tom had almost no discipline, so he thought it was alright to miss behave, but as he received some discipline, and he became more behaved.

1/8/2014 12:31:49 am

Natalie I don't agree with your claim but I agree with the idea around it. I understand that if children don't get enough discipline that they sometimes behave badly but I also don't think that people who lack good discipline are inherently crazy. I mean even if you are a heartless murderer you could be quite sane but have certain tendencies to murder.

12/11/2013 03:09:25 am

I think tom loves tormenting living things
evidence- from pg 78 "well i do love live ones but i mean dead ones to swing around your head with a string"

Jason Arvedson
12/11/2013 03:15:56 am

I think a possible claim is that "people influence Tom Sawyer and he changes because of people" The reason I think that is because the reason Tom Sawyer leaves is due to multiple reasons. One of these is Becky breaks his heart by leaving him. His aunt punishes him and chooses Sid as her "favorite".

Jason Arvedson
12/11/2013 03:16:56 am

Another reason is*

12/12/2013 03:18:28 am

Wow Jason! Those are some really good claims, I might use one of those!

Alyzza Cruz
12/19/2013 03:17:31 am

I partially agree with this. I agree with Jason's claim but I only partially agree with his evidence. I do agree that Tom was influenced by Becky, but not that Becky broke his heart. I think that Tom was actually the one who broke Becky's heart and in turn she cried because of it making Tom feel guilty. Also I disagree that Sid is her favorite, she is a little less strict on him but I think she secretly favors Tom. I believe this because Aunt Polly can't bring herself to discipline Tom, like on page 8 and 9.

Ryan Pichler
1/20/2014 03:17:10 am

I disagree, i think that Tom goes by his own set of rules, others may influence his decisions, but not him until the very end of the book.

12/11/2013 03:22:36 am

you only live once so just go flippin nuts ^.^

12/12/2013 03:18:09 am

Yeah, I think there MIGHT be a deeper meaning, but some part of me wants to agree.

Aaliyah Klug
12/12/2013 03:31:13 am

I think a claim could be that imagination can make boring exciting. For example in chapter two tom made painting a fence all white into like we was painting a masterpiece.

Jason Arvedson
12/12/2013 11:17:29 am

I think the reason he made it seem like he was painting a masterpiece and that it was fun was to trick the other boys into doing it for him. I would rather think that a claim would be "intelligence can solve problems for good or bad". Tom used his intelligence to solve his problem granted intelligence goes hand in hand with imagination.

Jason Arvedson
12/12/2013 11:18:17 am

problem, granted*

Ryan Pichler
1/20/2014 03:14:02 am

I agree, Tom does find it fun to deceive others and use his intelligence against others for pure joy. His personality is very much changing.

12/14/2013 04:13:06 am

I agree with your claim because at the end of chapter 5 when Tom was at church, it was boring to him until animals were involved. "Tom Sawyer went home quite cheerful, thinking to himself that there was some satisfaction about divine service when there was a bit of variety in it. He had but one marring thought: he was willing that the dog should play with his pinch bug, but he did not think it was upright in him to carry it off." (58).

12/14/2013 04:18:02 am

My claim is kids are very adventurous because they like to discover things and a piece of evidence to support that is, "'My! Look behind you, Aunt!' The old lady whirled round and snatched her skirts out of danger. The lad fled on the instant, scrambled up the high board fence and disappeared over it."

12/14/2013 04:24:10 am


12/14/2013 04:23:29 am

My counterclaim is kids aren't adventurous in some ways because they have to calm down for certain things in life. A piece of evidence to support that is, "Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. Life to him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden. Sighing he dipped his brush and passed it along the topmost plank; repeated the operation; did it again;..." (18-19).

12/16/2013 03:12:42 am

My claim is if you are smart/savvy you can get almost anything you want. "...he can torment me before I get my dander up, and he knows if he can put me off for a minute or make me laugh, it's all down again and I can't hit him a lick." (9). Tom uses his smarts to get out of trouble.

12/19/2013 03:24:19 am

I agree with this claim. Another piece of evidence is where Tom uses his slyness to get out of whitewashing his aunt's fence and instead tricks other boys to do it for him. "He had discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it --- namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain."

12/16/2013 03:16:07 am

I think one claim could be that sometimes people are smarter than they seem. In Toms case, he seems like a troublemaker, but in many ways, he is actually very smart. For example, Tom tricks all the kids into white washing the fence for him which is actually pretty smart.

12/16/2013 03:22:07 am

Yeah, you're right. Even though he (Tom) doesn't look smart, he thinks smart with a hint of fun making the other kids' "desire" to white-wash the fence. That was pretty smart of him and sneaky saying his aunt was very finicky about how she wants the fence painted.

12/19/2013 03:34:08 am

Another claim would be that "As children, or tom, grow up many events through their lifetime influence them to become the person they become as adults." Evidence of this would be when Tom breaks Becky's heart. This event changed him because I believe that he will be more careful about what he says and does in front of the person he loves, so that he doesn't hurt that special person.

1/20/2014 03:06:57 am

A possible claim could be "Children sometimes need to stop trying to keep their childhoods going on and grow up." There is many events in Tom Sawyer that support this claim. Because Tom always seems to act childish and do childish things.


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    December 2013

